Maybe the setup is not completed, missing settings.php

"; exit; } else if ( file_exists("setup.php") ) { echo "

Maybe the setup is not completed, else please delete setup.php

"; exit; } require_once 'weave_storage.php'; require_once 'weave_basic_object.php'; require_once 'weave_utils.php'; require_once 'weave_hash.php'; require_once "WBOJsonOutput.php"; //header("Content-type: application/json"); $server_time = round(microtime(1), 2); header("X-Weave-Timestamp: " . $server_time); # Basic path extraction and validation. No point in going on if these are missing $path = '/'; if (!empty($_SERVER['PATH_INFO'])) $path = $_SERVER['PATH_INFO']; else if (!empty($_SERVER['ORIG_PATH_INFO'])) $path = $_SERVER['ORIG_PATH_INFO']; else if (!empty($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"])) { log_error("experimental path"); # this is kind of an experimental try, i needed it so i build it, # but that doesent mean that it does work... well it works for me # and it shouldnt break anything... $path = $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]; $lastfolder = substr(FSYNCMS_ROOT,strrpos(FSYNCMS_ROOT, "/",-2)); $path = substr($path, (strpos($path,$lastfolder) + strlen($lastfolder)-1)); #chop the lead slash if(strpos($path,'?') != false) $path = substr($path, 0, strpos($path,'?')); //remove php arguments log_error("path_exp:".$path); } else report_problem("No path found", 404); $path = substr($path, 1); #chop the lead slash log_error("start request_____" . $path); // ensure that we got a valid request if ( !$path ) report_problem("Invalid request, this was not a firefox sync request!", 400); // split path into parts and make sure that all values are properly initialized list($version, $username, $function, $collection, $id) = array_pad(explode('/', $path.'///'), 5, ''); if($version == 'user' || $version == 'misc') { //asking for userApi -> user.php $include = true; require 'user.php'; exit(); // should not get here, but how knows } header("Content-type: application/json"); if ($version != '1.0' && $version != '1.1') report_problem('Function not found', 404); if ($function != "info" && $function != "storage") report_problem(WEAVE_ERROR_FUNCTION_NOT_SUPPORTED, 400); if (!validate_username($username)) report_problem(WEAVE_ERROR_INVALID_USERNAME, 400); #only a delete has meaning without a collection if ($collection) { if (!validate_collection($collection)) report_problem(WEAVE_ERROR_INVALID_COLLECTION, 400); } else if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] != 'DELETE') report_problem(WEAVE_ERROR_INVALID_PROTOCOL, 400); #quick check to make sure that any non-storage function calls are just using GET if ($function != 'storage' && $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] != 'GET') report_problem(WEAVE_ERROR_INVALID_PROTOCOL, 400); #user passes preliminaries, connections made, onto actually getting the data try { $db = new WeaveStorage($username); #Auth the user verify_user($username, $db); #user passes preliminaries, connections made, onto actually getting the data if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'GET') { if ($function == 'info') { switch ($collection) { case 'quota': exit(json_encode(array($db->get_storage_total()))); case 'collections': exit(json_encode($db->get_collection_list_with_timestamps())); case 'collection_counts': exit(json_encode($db->get_collection_list_with_counts())); case 'collection_usage': $results = $db->get_collection_storage_totals(); foreach (array_keys($results) as $collection) { $results[$collection] = ceil($results[$collection] / 1024); #converting to k from bytes } exit(json_encode($results)); default: report_problem(WEAVE_ERROR_INVALID_PROTOCOL, 400); } } elseif ($function == 'storage') { log_error("function storage"); if ($id) #retrieve a single record { $wbo = $db->retrieve_objects($collection, $id, 1); #get the full contents of one record if (count($wbo) > 0) { $item = array_shift($wbo); echo $item->json(); } else report_problem("record not found", 404); } else #retrieve a batch of records. Sadly, due to potential record sizes, have the storage object stream the output... { log_error("retrieve a batch"); $full = array_key_exists('full', $_GET) && $_GET['full']; $outputter = new WBOJsonOutput($full); $params = validate_search_params(); $ids = $db->retrieve_objects($collection, null, $full, $outputter, $params['parentid'], $params['predecessorid'], $params['newer'], $params['older'], $params['sort'], $params['limit'], $params['offset'], $params['ids'], $params['index_above'], $params['index_below'], $params['depth'] ); } } } else if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'PUT') #add a single record to the server { $wbo = new wbo(); if (!$wbo->extract_json(get_json())) report_problem(WEAVE_ERROR_JSON_PARSE, 400); check_quota($db); check_timestamp($collection, $db); #use the url if the json object doesn't have an id if (!$wbo->id() && $id) { $wbo->id($id); } $wbo->collection($collection); $wbo->modified($server_time); #current microtime if ($wbo->validate()) { #if there's no payload (as opposed to blank), then update the metadata if ($wbo->payload_exists()) $db->store_object($wbo); else $db->update_object($wbo); } else { report_problem(WEAVE_ERROR_INVALID_WBO, 400); } echo json_encode($server_time); } else if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') { $json = get_json(); check_quota($db); check_timestamp($collection, $db); $success_ids = array(); $failed_ids = array(); $db->begin_transaction(); foreach ($json as $wbo_data) { $wbo = new wbo(); if (!$wbo->extract_json($wbo_data)) { $failed_ids[$wbo->id()] = $wbo->get_error(); continue; } $wbo->collection($collection); $wbo->modified($server_time); if ($wbo->validate()) { #if there's no payload (as opposed to blank), then update the metadata if ($wbo->payload_exists()) { $db->store_object($wbo); } else { $db->update_object($wbo); } $success_ids[] = $wbo->id(); } else { $failed_ids[$wbo->id()] = $wbo->get_error(); } } $db->commit_transaction(); echo json_encode(array('success' => $success_ids, 'failed' => $failed_ids)); } else if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'DELETE') { check_timestamp($collection, $db); if ($id) { $db->delete_object($collection, $id); } else if ($collection) { $params = validate_search_params(); $db->delete_objects($collection, null, $params['parentid'], $params['predecessorid'], $params['newer'], $params['older'], $params['sort'], $params['limit'], $params['offset'], $params['ids'], $params['index_above'], $params['index_below'] ); } else if($function == 'storage') // ich vermute mal storage reinigen { if (!array_key_exists('HTTP_X_CONFIRM_DELETE', $_SERVER)) report_problem(WEAVE_ERROR_NO_OVERWRITE, 412); $db->delete_storage($username); } else { if (!array_key_exists('HTTP_X_CONFIRM_DELETE', $_SERVER)) report_problem(WEAVE_ERROR_NO_OVERWRITE, 412); log_error("delete "."Server ".print_r( $_SERVER, true)); $db->delete_user($username); } echo json_encode($server_time); } else { #bad protocol. There are protocols left? HEAD, I guess. report_problem(1, 400); } } catch(Exception $e) { report_problem($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode()); } #The datasets we might be dealing with here are too large for sticking it all into an array, so #we need to define a direct-output method for the storage class to use. If we start producing multiples #(unlikely), we can put them in their own class. #include_once "WBOJsonOutput.php"; ?>